Jan 13, 2012

Blogs & videocasts I like..


What a wonderful day !! the SUN is making it's beautiful appearance .. YEA !

I am sitting at the kitchen island/ table watching two video casts .. yea.. at the same time :-)
well , K, when one loads a bit I watch the other one. 

I wanted to share those with you today.
one is
great lady, very talented ! I have learned a lot from her show, but I would LOVE for her to actually Spin with one of her Wheels on the show sometime.
as you may or may not know, my goal for 2012 is to make enough 'extra' money' so that I can buy my first spinning wheel :-)

also another show I like is :
this one is a pretty new one to me. I had forgotten about them until today when I ran across a link to their show from : http://www.simplynotable.com/category/simply-inspired/
Simply notable offers some great free patterns & just an all around great blog, ck it out .

And I think I will knit these cute dolls. I have wanted to knit something for YEARS for our local hospital , so they has something to offer kids in the ER .. & or to the African charity also.
I'm sure a similar pattern can be found elsewhere.. but for now I will start with this one..
http://www.heartforafrica.org to see a picture. I know.. odd there isn't a pic ON the pattern page..

well enough from me for the day..
off to shower, knit & eat..

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