Milwaukee OKs 'gay'-affirming school
Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 1/6/2009 7:45:00 AM
An Illinois family advocate says she's stunned by the approval of what she believes is the first homosexual-affirming middle school in the U.S.
The proposal for the Alliance School was approved unanimously by the Milwaukee Board of Education in late 2008. The school will serve Milwaukee's six-, seventh- and eighth-graders. Laurie Higgins is with the Illinois Family Institute (IFI), which recently fought a similar proposal for a homosexual high school in Chicago.
"The way that [the Milwaukee proposal] was approved was by default -- there was no vote taken," Higgins explains. "[And] because there was no vote taken, there was no opposition; there was no request that it be tabled for further discussion. It just passed...."
The IFI spokeswoman shares another disturbing aspect of what happened in Mil Town. "...I'm stunned that the religious leaders, the Christian pastors in Milwaukee, did not rise up in righteous indignation against this school," she laments. "That is what I find perhaps equally [as] troubling, if not more so."
Is it proper for communities to provide schools that affirm homosexuality?
Higgins also questions the use of public money in the affirmation of homosexuality to minors.
"I think it's unconscionable to be affirming this in public schools," she states. "This is not an issue for public schools. And kids at 11- and 12- and 13- and 14-[years-of-age] are confused on many issues -- sexuality [being] one of them."
Regina Griggs, executive director of the group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX), agrees with Higgins. Griggs believes middle school children should not be dealing with the issue of homosexuality. "To affirm an 11-year-old? Please," exclaims Griggs. "They haven't even gone through puberty, but they know that they want to have sex with other men and women? I'm sorry, but it's ridiculous."
Higgins and Griggs encourage individuals to oppose such developments "vociferously" before they begin spreading to other communities.
Opponents of the homosexual high school in Chicago included homosexuals who likened the school to segregation. Others questioned the need for a special school because they believe most public schools are already "gay-affirming."
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