Jan 18, 2009

do you want any child you love ...........

This is just sickening. Look how far we have fallen.
Honestly !! DO you want dead babies in your child's vaccine ?
from OneNewsNow.com                 patti
Pharmaceutical giant Merck has decided to produce vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella that only use cells from aborted babies.
According to LifeNews.com, Merck & Co., Inc. has halted production of its monovalent vaccines, which only accounts for two percent of the total sales but are also important to pro-lifers because they are made from animal cells instead of aborted baby cells. The company announced it will focus instead on MMR11 vaccines, which account for 98 percent of the sales but are produced from "aborted fetal cell lines."
Children of God for Life has launched a public awareness campaign on the move, which has stirred concern from pro-life Americans. Ministry spokesperson Debi Vinnedge was asked if there is any other source of "moral monovalent vaccines" available in America.
"In the United States right now, Merck is the sole provider for the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines," she notes. "It's almost like they have a monopoly here and a stranglehold on parents because when they make a decision to stop providing the moral doses, we're left with no ethical alternative in the United States."
Vinnedge is hopeful Americans will join the ministry in a campaign to continue the moral vaccines. "Well, we're hoping that if enough parents and medical professionals, especially, complain that Merck will reconsider it," she adds. In addition, Vinnedge wrote Merck a letter, asking the company to reverse its decision. She claims millions of pro-life Americans are willing to wait for alternative, moral vaccines and are even willing to pay higher costs for them.
She invites people to go to their website and see information on the vaccines. "We also have the address for the Centers for Disease Control and for Merck's CEO, which is Richard Clark, up on our website," she points out.
A Japanese firm produces a vaccine that does not use cells from unborn babies, but it is not yet approved in the US

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